Power Automate Monitor

Overview and control over all your Power Automate Workflows

Everything you need to know about Power Automate Monitor



You get an overview of the latest flow runs in your environment and immediately see which ones were successful and which ones failed.

Flow details

Flow details

Flow details: In the flow details, immediately see the creator, creation date, status of the flow, active alerts, and the latest flow runs. From here, you can navigate directly to the flow in Power Automate.

New alert

New alert

New alert: Set alerts on your most important flows and be informed immediately if flow runs fail (or are successful).

Alert overview

Alert overview

Alert overview: Manage your flow-specific alerts and set environment-wide alerts.


Have a close up look at Power Automate Monitor yourself. This demo dashboard is connected to a fully functioning Power Platform environment with several active workflows. You will be able to navigate, try all functionalities, set alerts and investigate failed flows.



Get an overview

A clear dashboard shows you all workflows in your environment as well as the latest runs at a glance. Set your most important workflows as favorites and filter failed flows with one click.


Asses the health

You' ll be able to see which flows are successful and which are failing. This allows you to accurately assess the health of your Power Automate activities in your tenant.


Set alerts

Set notifications on those workflows you need to keep an eye on. Power Automate Monitor notifies you when the flows have failed (or succeeded).


Locate and fix problems

Power Automate Monitor shows you when and by whom specific workflows were created and lists all runs of the flow. Via direct link, you can easily call up the flow in Power Automate Platform and take the necessary steps.


Up your governance

You finally have a lean and pragmatic tool at hand that puts an end to the Power Automate blind flight. The Power Automate Monitor provides clarity and facilitates decisions on how your organization can achieve more with workflows and the Power Platform.

Use Power Automate Monitor for 14 days. For free!

Start your free trial now and work with Power Automate Monitor for two weeks.
Get a bird's eye view of your workflow stack and its health status.

Get a bird's eye view

Power Automate Monitor provides an overview of all workflows in your tenant, it logs all runs of all flows and it allows you to set alerts on specific flows.


up to 299 users

CHF 49.- / month
  • All features as listed above are included
  • Functions and features are being added continuousely
  • The fee is billed to you quarterly

300 - 999 users

CHF 99.- / month
  • All features as listed above are included
  • Functions and features are being added continuousely
  • The fee is billed to you quarterly

1'000 - 3'999 users

CHF 199.- / month
  • All features as listed above are included
  • Functions and features are being added continuousely
  • The fee is billed to you quarterly

Need a custom plan for more than 4'000 users? Get in touch with us we are happy to help.
Not yet ready for a commitment? No problem, try Power Automate Monitor 14 days for free.

Choose your plan or start for free

Important notice:

Please be aware, that we will contact you to set up the connection to your tenant. For that process, an account with administration priviliges is needed. Without such an admin-account, PAM has no access to the flow data and will not work.

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Power Automate Monitor Release Notes Titelbild

Power Automate Monitor Release Notes 2022/6

June 2022 updates: Link to the Power Automate Admin-Center, long-running flows in the analytics data and a daily email summary.
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Power Automate Monitor Teams Integration

Power Automate Monitor Release Notes 2022/4: Microsoft Teams Integration

Add Power Automate Monitor to your Microsoft Teams, group flows by creator and see number of alerts instantly.
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Titelbild Release Notes SharePoint Integration

Power Automate Monitor Release Notes 2022/3: SharePoint Integration

Power Automate Monitor has received a SharePoint Integration.
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Our tool is lean, pragmatic and easy to use. If offers you a variety of benefits for an attractive monthly fee.

The standard monitoring solutions for Power Automate offered by Microsoft only provide an insufficient overview and have no enterprise-wide monitoring capability. While Azure governance & monitoring tools are available on the market, they are often too extensive, too complicated and just an overkill for the use cases of SMEs.

The Power Automate Monitor is a symbiosis of a crawler with a microservice architecture as an Azure function, an Azure Cosmos database, a .NET Core Web API and a JavaScript frontend with Vue.js.

The data from your environment is aggregated via a Global Admin User or a Power Platform Admin User. To complete the setup, you will be contacted by a System Engineer from us.

The fee is billed to you every three months.

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Contact us

St. Georg-Strasse 2a
CH-6210 Sursee

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